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        Operation Scope
        Building construction
        Development and Investment
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        Warehouse logistics
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        Home  > Operation Scope > Development and Investment

        In recent years, with the vigorous development of the national real estate, Jinchen Group takes advantage of its favorable situation and relies on its building and fund superiority to real estate development. Great achievement have been made as follows:

        Harbin Avenue Jin Bairui Commercial Street Development Project, Harbin Nangang District Xuanhua Street Commercial-Residential Development Project, Harbin Jiangbei Distict Century Main Road Jinxia Jiayuan Development Project,Taizhou Daohe Bay Project,Shandong Jinlong International Park ,Beijing Huangfang Yicheng Plot Project, Beijing Tenghua Ziyuan, Block25, Garden Road, Haidian District, Jinchen Building, pre-developmental building by Jiangsu Hengjia Real Estate Limited Company(a subsidiary of Jinchen Group). Recently, Jinchen Group has constrcted Jiangsu Taizhou HilingSenyuan Plot, aiming to be one of protection of domestic suppliers.

        Jinchen Group recently goues for anther 57 acres to develop an area of 70,000 square meters of Jinchen International Garden; 320 acres, building area of 280,000 square meters of Huangfang Jinchen Garden an Green Project of development rights.


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        Add: No 126,Tongyang west road,Jiangyan development zone,Jiangsu,China    SuICPbei2024063034